

10 Febbraio 2018 Senza categoria

Nicole Fondato

Phillip Phillips- Into the wild
Edoardo Bennato- Il gatto e la volpe
Frank Sinatra-New York York
Pearl Jam-State of love and trust
Franz Ferdinand-Lazy boy
Beach Boys- Surfin USA
Beyonce-Single ladies
Nirvana – in bloom
The Vaccines-night club
883-non me la menare
A perfect circle-Immagine
Paolo Nutini-Candy
Counting Crows-Mr.Jones
Tonight Alive-Disappear
Liftiba-Lacio drom
Amy Wynehouse-Back to black
Bob Marley-Iron lion zion

7 Family

Guns & Roses- Sweet child o mine
Editors- Magazine
Jason De Rulo-Kiss the sky
Anna Oxa-Un’emozione da poco
Alice Merton-No roots
Forget you-Dashiki
Queen- We will rock you
Enrico Ruggeri-Mistero
Moby-Like a motherless child
Selton- Luna in riviera
Cosmo- Le voci
Lenny Kravitz-Thinking of you
Shame-one rizla
Fabi, Silvestri, Gazzè-Come mi pare
Elton john-I gues that’s why the call it blues
Lo stato sociale- una vita in vacanza
Viito-Bella come Roma
George Michael- I want your sex
Blue october-I hope you’re happy
Lucio Leoni- A me mi
Backstreet boys- Everybody